Accra Youth Workshop, March 2015

Accra Youth Workshop 2015
The Edusei Foundation in partnership with the National Catholic Secretariat held their first Accra Youth Workshop for 2015 on Saturday, March 7th at the Christ The King Parish Hall in Accra. The venue came alight as over four hundred students including JHS, SHS, and tertiary students drawn from all the Parishes in the Accra Area trooped in and patiently waited for their turn at the three registration tables.
Rev Father Ocran, the Asst Parish Priest of Christ the King Catholic Church gave an interactive presentation on Moral Education. Edusei Foundation’s Jermaine Nkrumah followed it up with an in depth presentation on the power of positive thinking during which students volunteered their personal challenging experiences to which fellow students offered positive solutions.
After a brief break the students were treated to a competitive game to prop up their adrenaline again due to the detailed nature of what followed next. After all that fun came the breakout sessions on various academic disciplines.
Information Technology,
Entrepreneurial Studies
And finally Business Studies
At the end of the event the students gave their candid feedback, which was overwhelmingly positive especially given the presence of one of Ghana’s premier movie stars Prince David Osei. The awards ceremony entailed each student receiving a certificate for participation, an Edusei Foundation Polo Shirt, and a takeout lunch pack. They were all then captured in a group picture that climaxed what one student called the most productive day of her life.